Take a Stand Against Abuse and Sex-trafficking of Children
If you are a person that wants child abuse to stop, a person who wants to do something to make it better for abused children, then here is where you can start.
We want to expand our fight from this beachhead in Oklahoma to other states. We want to take on the child abuse wherever it exists. We want to stop the cycle of child abuse so we (and our brother and sister officers) will not have to see another generation of abused children turn into our next generation of criminals.
Report Abuse and Sex-trafficking
If you are passionate about fighting child abuse and sex-trafficking you can do something to be a warrior and fight this horrific multibillion-dollar business. Report suspicious activity. Report any information, rummers, or gossip about abuse and sex-trafficking. If you have information about sex-trafficking, report it to your local law enforcement authority. If you are not comfortable about reporting information to law enforcement, you can report this information to us. Use the contact page to proceed.
Take A Stand Against Child Abuse!
Donating today will make a difference in the life of a child tomorrow.